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Organizational Effectiveness
Change Management

Change is no longer an event that happens to people, teams, or organizations – it’s a constant state of being. Neither is it a process that can be managed; instead, it’s happening to us most of the time, so much so that many organizations exist in a state of continuous transformation to stay relevant. As a result, finding innovative solutions to old problems is critical to business success in the current environment.

Executing a successful change management initiative is a collaborative effort. Creating lasting change requires organizations to evolve; those who evolve successfully can achieve extraordinary financial performance. So, how do we help companies get ready to embrace change? Well, our approach is not change or process-centric – it’s people-centric.


Over three decades, we have observed leaders and organizations as they were trying to transform or execute their strategies. Our experts have identified the success factors and created a winning strategy for Leading Change.


Our framework is encapsulated in 8 steps

ThriveVance Change Managemnet Framework


Inspire a sense of urgency

Inspire action with a clear, aspirational vision that excites passion and builds momentum.


Build a consortium
Build a network of committed people to form a consortium to guide, coordinate, and communicate its activities


Create a compelling strategic vision

Clarify how the future will differ from the past and get buy-in for how to make that future a reality through initiatives linked directly to the vision


Gather a group of volunteers

Creating large-scale change requires a large group of volunteer from all levels of the organization that is unified in achieving a common goal and actively contributing


Remove obstacles to enable action

Clear the obstacles that impede progress and enable innovation, efficiency, and impact


Celebrate small wins
Recognize, document, and communicate small wins early and frequently to track progress and motivate teams to continue


Maintain Momentum

After achieving initial success, push harder to increase credibility and drive relentless change until the vision is achieved


Transform organization

It is important to establish a link between new behaviors and the success of an organization. This connection should be nurtured until the new habits become strong enough to replace the old ones. Additionally, it is crucial to assess the systems and processes in place to ensure that management practices align with the new behaviors, mindsets, and ways of working that have been invested in.

The Four Core Change Principles

The 4 Core Change Principles are the guiding light that illuminates the path to meaningful and sustainable change. By embracing these principles, you empower yourself to transform your life, both personally and professionally.

Leadership & Management

To take advantage of fleeting opportunities, it's crucial to have strong leadership, not just from one executive but from multiple people. This involves having a clear vision, recognizing chances when they arise, motivating people to take action, and celebrating successes. Along with the necessary managerial tasks such as project management, budget reviews, and reporting, combining the stability and predictability of management with the speed and creativity of leadership can enable organizations to move quickly and reliably.

Desire & Commitment

People who feel they can be involved in a meaningful activity will engage to do so in addition to their everyday responsibilities. You don’t have to hire new people; your existing people provide the energy – if you invite them and create an environment where they feel they “get to” step forward and act. After all, your people know where the pain points are and how to fix them.

Heart &

Good ideas are often based on data and reason, but appealing to people's logic alone may not inspire them to help you. It's important to consider the emotional aspect as well. You should tap into people's genuine and fundamental desire to contribute to a greater cause and lead an organization or community into a better future. Answer their burning questions such as "What's in it for me?" and "What's the greater purpose?" Give them a reason to believe in your vision.

Multiplicity & Cohesion

Your team is your greatest asset. With their diverse backgrounds and perspectives, they hold the key to solving your most pressing challenges. Creating an inclusive environment that invites everyone to lead empowers each individualto make a difference. People who feel they can participate in something meaningful will go above and beyond their usual responsibilities. By involving your diverse team, you can harness that energy and achieve great things.

Let us help your business today. Contact us now to start your journey.

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