Terri Norvell is a change agent, trusted leadership coach and business advisor for entrepreneurial organizations and associations. She is also a dynamic, engaging keynoter who inspires and aligns teams.
Murray is a seasoned corporate training and business growth expert with over 25 years experience in delivering workplace learning solutions, facilitation, and providing business advice that gets results. He is a visionary, a strategic thinker, and a proven business leader.
What It Takes to Create Sustainable Business Growth
This podcast episode is a panel discussion with Terry Norvell, founder, and president of The Inner Prize, Inc, and Murray Janewski, the founder and president of Act One International Corp. Terry and Murray are sharing their deep experience in not only growing their businesses but also helping other organizations create sustainable growth using The Stages of Growth model.
What you will learn:
Secret to success
Introduction to The Seven Stages Growth Model
The Fundamental Rules of business growth
What are the Hidden Agents that stifle business growth
How to assess where your business is at on the growth curve
What are Non-Negotiable Rules in each stage of growth
Watch Podcast Video
Ways to contact
Terri Norvell, BBA and Murray Janewski, MBA
Terri Norvell
Phone: 303.475.5456
Email: terri@TerriNorvell.com
Website: TerriNorvell.com
Murray Robert Janewski
Phone: 403.542.7056
Email: murrayj@aoic.ca
Website: www.aoic.ca
Terri Norvell
LinkedIn: terrinorvell
Facebook: terrinorvell
Twitter: terrinorvell